Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Reasoning, Realism and Experience, The Case of Posterior Judgements Essays

Reasoning, Realism and Experience, The Case of Posterior Judgements Essays Reasoning, Realism and Experience, The Case of Posterior Judgements Essay Reasoning, Realism and Experience, The Case of Posterior Judgements Essay Reasoning is a key area in cognitive research, involving the use of logical thinking to find results or conclusions. The topic consists of two main areas: deductive and inductive reasoning. Realism is another area of focus, this is the theory that every statement is true or false regardless of whether this can be verified. One final area is experience, an alternative focusing on knowledge acquired through the senses rather than abstract reasoning. The nature of this study is to investigate the relationship between these three areas and posterior judgements. Such judgements are formed through assessing the likelihood of an event by updating a prior probability in light of new evidence. Reasoning is one of the oldest research topics in cognitive psychology. For Eysenck and Keane (2000) [1], a key question regarding human nature and reasoning is Are human beings rational? . Many philosophers believe that the laws of logic are the laws of thought and therefore reply yes to such a question. The psychology of reasoning has progressively developed since early research. Researchers have often drawn distinctions between two models of reasoning, deductive and inductive reasoning. Both relate to types of decisions made about particular instances or premises. A premise is formed when a number of propositions are related together by a logical operator. Eysenck (1993) [3], states that inductive reasoning is a form of reasoning whereby a generalised conclusion is drawn from specific information, therefore the conclusion cannot be shown to be necessarily true. He defines deductive reasoning as a form of reasoning in which definite conclusions follow on the basis that certain statements or premises are assumed to be true. In order to develop a greater understanding of these distinctions they need top be researched further. According to Johnson-Laird and Byrne (1991) [1] deductive reasoning is a central intellectual ability. This ability is vital for various human functions such as: formulating plans; determining consequences; interpreting and formulating instructions; pursuing arguments and solving problems. For Eysenck and Keane (2000) [1], a world without deduction would be a world without science, technology, laws, social conventions and cultures. Deductive reasoning makes use of logical systems to characterise the abstract structure of reasoning problems. One particular logical system used is the propositional calculus, a logic where propositions are manipulated using a small set of logical operators, for example, if. then. Eysenck and Keane (2000) [1], change their earlier question slightly to investigate deductive research, it becomes Are humans logical? . In simple terms, do people conform to logical interpretations such as if. hen, and if so, will they make valid inferences and reject invalid inferences provided by the propositional calculus. In Problem-Solving research, Newell and Simon (1972) [1] devised the problem-space theory. This takes the notion of an idealised problem space to characterise abstract structures of problems independently of any psychological proposals (Eysenck and Keane, 2000 [1]). Some logics have been used in a similar way in reasoning research. Such logics are devised to characterise the abstract structure of reasoning problems and to determine categories of responses (i. . correct or incorrect responses). Logical systems are similar to mathematical systems in that symbols are used to represent things, for example, the length of a car is represented by L1 and the length of a bus is represented by L2. Mathematical operators can then be used to manipulate the two variables and produce a new statement. In the case of reasoning, logical symbols are used in place of sentences and logical operators such as: not, or and if. then, if and only if, are used to manipulate the situation. Although logical operators use common words, it is essential to remember that they all have very different meanings. Eysenck and Keane (2000) [1], demonstrate the use of logical operators in more detail. Using the propositional calculus, they choose the letter P to represent the sentence If it is raining, and Q to represent Alicia gets wet. A logical operator is then applied to relate the two together creating: If P then Q, therefore If it is raining, then Alicia gets wet. Truth tables are used to determine conclusions from such logical statements as provided by Eysenck and Keane (2000) [1]. In logical systems such as the one they provided, only one of two truth values are possible, these being true and false. P can only be true or false because in the statement it is raining, therefore it is either raining or it isnt. The truth tables lay out the possibilities for a proposition and consequently explain how logical act on that proposition. The tables make it possible to define valid and invalid inferences. If someone concludes that if P then Q and P as a valid inference, this is called a modus ponens. If they conclude if P then Q and not Q as a valid inference it is known as a modus tollens. Many people make a modus ponens, however not many people are willing to state a modus tollens. For Eysenck and Keane (2000) [1], the importance of the logical analysis presented here is that it allows us to characterise the abstract structure of reasoning problems and gives us a criterion for determining whether certain conclusions are valid or invalid, correct or in error. In 1993, Eysenck [3], stated that affirmation of the consequent and denial of the antecedent are important matters of focus. A demonstration of affirmation of the consequent is : Premises: If it is raining, then Alicia gets wet. Alicia gets wet. Conclusion: Therefore, it is raining. A demonstration of denial of the antecedent is: Premises: If it is raining, then Alicia gets wet. It is not raining Conclusion: Alicia does not get wet. Evans, 1989 [3], stated that most people regard these conclusions as being valid. They are in fact, invalid. In the first example, it does not need to be raining for Alicia to get wet she may have been swimming or taken a shower. This is also applicable for the second example. Therefore, it is evident that deductive reasoning is prone to error when it comes to affirmation on the consequent and denial of the antecedent. Evans (1989 [3]) found that few errors are made with modus ponens but that error rates for modus tollens often exceed thirty per cent. There is no clear definition as to why such errors are made with modus tollens. It is thought to be partly due to a lack of practice in thinking about what is not the case (Eysenck 1993 [3]). The key element in research on deductive reasoning is whether or not people think rationally and logically. Henle (1962) [3], stated that consistent errors may be a result of people misunderstanding the question, even if they apply logical thinking to it. She also claimed that some errors were due to the subjects failure to accept the logical task. Braine, Reiser and Rumain, 1984 [3], developed Henles theory further. According to their natural deduction theory, most errors found in deductive reasoning occur due to a failure of comprehension. For Braine et al. (1984), people have a mental rule corresponding to modus ponens. As a result, premises based on modus ponens are easier to handle and therefore pose no comprehension problems. Deductive reasoning research covers a wide variety of tasks, any adequate theory of deduction should be able to explain the phenomena rising from such research (Eysenck and Keane 2000 [1]). Two main theories meet such a challenge, the Abstract-Rule theory and Mental Models theory. The Abstract-Rule theory assumes people reason validly by applying abstract, content-free rules of inference. It suggests people adopt a mental logic in order to make conclusions from statements or premises. Evidence from conditional reasoning shows that people are not completely rational, invalid inferences are often made in place of valid inferences. The Abstract-Rule theory proposes that humans use sets of comprehensive rules and apply them to any area of knowledge. The theory was used by Braine et al. (1984 [3]) in demonstrating that people only make invalid inferences due to a lack of understanding for the logical task. A representative case is that of Braine and OBriens (1991 [3]) Abstract-Rule theory. This theory states that deductive reasoning is mediated by basic abstract rules. The premises or arguments are encoded into abstract rules and inferences are then created. It predicts that people are natural logicians who are slightly fallible at the edges (Eysenck and Keane 2000 [1]). Most abstract rule theories have a reasoning rule corresponding to the modus ponens and the modus tollens is a harder inference to make due to the fact that no single rule can be applied to it. For Eysenck and Keane (2000) [1] people still apply their logically valid rules but because the input to the rules is erroneous, the output is often erroneous too. The Mental Models theory assumes that people reason by manipulating mental models of a set of premises, in a similar manner to semantic methods of proof in logic. This theoretical approach on deductive reasoning was proposed by Johnson-Laird in 1983 [1]. In simple form, the model is a representation of the state of affairs described in the premises of a problem and it may be in the form of imagery (Eysenck 1993 [3]). Such a representation depends on the interpretation of the premises. The Mental Model differs to the Abstract-Rule model because it creates a central role for comprehension in reasoning. Humans develop models through their comprehension of linguistic description, their description is therefore reliable on these models. Eysenck and Keane demonstrate a construction of a mental model (1990 [3]). Premises: The lamp is on the right of the pad. The book is on the left of the pad. The clock is in front of the book. The vase is in front of the lamp. Conclusion: The clock is to the left of the vase. Johnson-Laird (1983 [3]) believed people construct such a model in a simplified form, using the information contained in the premises: Book Pad Lamp Clock Vase It is often the case that people use more than one model in consistence with the premises. A second model often constructed differs slightly from the one above: Lamp Pad Book Vase Clock Johnson-Laird (1983 [3]) states that someone who constructed only the first mental model would mistakenly conclude the clock to be on the left of the vase. It would be evident to someone who constructed both models that the clock is not necessarily to the left of the vase. Eysenck (1993 [3]) summarises Johnson-Lairds Mental Model theory in the following points. Firstly, comprehension of the premises of a problem leads to construction of one or more mental models. Secondly, the model or models constructed are used to produce novel conclusions not specified by the premises directly. He stated that there is a check to decide whether there are any additional models to invalidate conclusions. Finally, the above three processes all depend on the processing, resources of working memory. It can therefore be affected by limited capacity. Research shows that deduction has received vas amounts of attention. It is evident that people construct mental models or constructions to try and resolve a situation by making the correct inference. Posterior judgements involve incorporating new evidence to update previous judgements. For Lance Rips (1994 [5]), one reason deduction has played a role in cognitive psychology is that it has been difficult for psychologists to envision what purpose deduction serves. Logical operators are combined with variables or premises to provide a model enabling cognitive processes such as problem solving or categorisation. Rips (1994 [5]) states that categorisation is of importance due to the fact that beliefs about category membership are not deducible from evidence available to us. It is more often the case that evidence provides an inductive warrant for categorising, as in more judgemental situations. It is clear that as people receive more information and evidence they build constructions to represent problems which may or may not lead to their predictions and previous judgements changing. The alternative aspect to deductive reasoning is that of inductive reasoning. Eysenck (1993 [3]) states that much of the research on inductive reasoning has been concerned with concept learning. Bourne, 1966 [3], described a concept as existing whenever two or more distinguishable objects or events have been grouped or classified together and set apart from other objects on the basis of some common feature or property characteristic of each. Bruner, Goodnow and Austin, 1956 [3], conducted a well known piece of research on concept learning. They used stimuli consisting of rectangular cards picturing various shapes. The cards varied in four dimensions as follows: the number of borders around the edges, the number of shapes in the centre of the cards, the shapes themselves and the colour of the shapes. Bruner et al. (1956 [3]) used typically conjunctive concepts in their experiment, it involved a number of features being presented together to produce a positive card, for example, three black circles. Many of their studies employed a selection paradigm. The subjects were offered all cards and selected one at a time, the concept was not revealed to them. After each selection they were told whether they had chosen a positive or negative instance of the concept. They could volunteer hypothesis to the experimenter about the concept of the experiment. Subjects appeared to use limited strategies, one being conservative focusing. This is focusing on a first positive instance and then choosing a following card that differs in only one attribute. If this card is also positive then the attribute changed is clearly irrelevant to the concept. Yet, if the second card chosen is a negative instance, then the attribute which varied is part of the concept. Another strategy used is successive scanning. This strategy is used to begin with a specific hypothesis which subjects attempt to test by selecting cards that will provide useful information. Bruner et al (1956 [3]) discovered that focusing was generally more successful than scanning because fewer cards needed to be selected before the concept was identified. Wason (1960 [1,3]) devised an interesting approach to concept learning resembling the work of Bruner et al. (1956 [3]) and their selection paradigm. His task involved four cards lying on a table, each card had a letter on one side and a number on the other. The subject is informed of a rule applicable to all four cards. For example, if there is an R on one side of the card then there is a 2 on the other side of it. Wasons task was to select only the cards that would not need to be turned over to determine the if rule is correct or not. The findings of this task were taken as evidence to confirm a persons tendency to confirm hypotheses in reasoning situations, although it is considered valuable, there is still a lot of controversy about its utility as a tool to examine human reasoning. Inductive reasoning shows a generalised conclusion is drawn from specific information, the conclusion cannot be proven as true. In the case of posterior judgements, inductive reasoning would have not have much effect on previous probabilities to the same extent as deductive reasoning. Specific judgements are made and no concrete conclusion is produced.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Ardipithecus essays

Ardipithecus essays Anthropologists have found the remains to what they classified as a distinct genus they called Ardipithecus. Ardipithecus has many characteristics that some may consider to be a hominid but there are also some evidence that point to the other direction that Arditpithecus is not a hominid. It is the most apelike hominid ancestor known (Boaz and Almquist, 2002). Ardipithecus is the earliest potential hominid found so far and was discovered in Ethiopia in 1994 by Tim White and his colleagues. So where exactly were these fossils found? These fossils were found in a dense forest with a relatively cool and wet climate. In contrast, early hominids were found in a savannalike setting (Boaz and Almquist, 2002). The origin of bipedalism took place in the savanna. Our ancestors were more adapted in opened grasslands. They left the trees and become bipedal. Bipedalism is considered the essential feature of being human. Therefore, from this I can conclude that Ardipithecus is not a hominid. However, there could be that little chance that Ardipithecus did migrate to the forest bipedally or because there was a climate change, which caused the forest to turn into a savanna. On the other hand, Bernard Wood, a professor of human origins at George Washington University, is questioning whether bipedalism is considered to be the defining characteristic of being human. After all, all birds have wings, but not all creatures with wings are birds. From this analysis, it would mak e it still too difficult to accept the fact that it could be a hominid. Yet, due to the discovery of Ardipithecus fossils, the answer to the question of whether it is a hominid or not was answered. Tim White and his colleagues did not have much to work with. It was nothing like Don Johansons discovery of Lucy. However, it was enough for them to conclude that Ardipithecus is not a hominid. The evidence accumulating right before their eyes told them tha...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Agree with Mr. G. Raymond article and write 3 pages, cite the sources

Agree with Mr. G. Raymond and write 3 pages, cite the sources. 4.1DF51 - Article Example on to employ electronic documentation systems in managing data and information in hospital facilities, and this is where the challenge to its effective implementation arises. In order to accomplish a considerable level of flexibility in the data that is used in computer based record system, the classification systems of nursing are essential, but they are not sufficient enough to represent aspects of the nursing profession. In consideration of actions and decisions that nurses make, it may not be very possible to encode such processes into a computer data system that can be reproduced or reapplied anywhere else (Henry, et al, 2005). In essence, the actions taken by nurses in providing medical care, and which are encoded as interventions must be considered as critical inputs in developing computer based record systems. The function and structure of classifications systems that exist and are meant to encode interventions by nurses cannot be accurate in depicting the nature of the work that nurses do in a way that can facilitate reusing of the data. To be able to capture and electronically represent in clinical context data that reflects an encounter of a patient with a practitioner in a health care facility is a significant challenge for system developers. To be able to encode data by employing standard classification and coding and yet be able to link it to resources that are based on knowledge such as clinical guidelines, may not be an easy thing for system developers to achieve (American Nurses Association, 1991). If standardization of language for nurses will inevitably require electronic or computer documentation of patient information and data, then the first concern that must be considered is the enormous start up cost for putting in place electronic systems for recording and processing medical data. This challenge is compounded by the fact that all charts, and which are numerous, be converted into electronic format. In advent, practitioners and other

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Gender Differences in Intelligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Gender Differences in Intelligence - Essay Example Therefore, these theoretical orientations emphasize that over time, different sets of conditions may influence the changes in children's behaviour in different stages of development (Piaget, 1952). Both the maturational and psychoanalytic theories highlight the influence of these internal variables in development of intellectual acumen and behaviour of children in relation to age. From that perspective, early childhood development can be considered to be expression of inborn predispositions primarily, which is an invariant innate process. According to these theories, a child's learning and intellectual development proceed according to a prefixed biologically dictated plan, which could have been determined by the specifics of genetics at the moment of conception. Therefore individual variations in intelligence and cognitive abilities can be reflections of differences in genetic traits. These theories which emphasize the dominant and determining role of innate and internal biological f actors as primary driving forces of early development can be categorized traditionally as nature side of developmental explanations. There is, however, considerable similarity among young children in the early part of their development when learning and education begin. These are best understood by maturational theories. It can be argued that if changes in children's behaviours and intelligence are conceived to be originating from inborn traits primarily, the role of adults would be to just provide appropriate conditions based on appropriate interpretations (Alloway, 1997). However, theories of education in early childhood are based on the belief that parenting and teaching can have considerable impact on the course of young children's development, both educational and intellectual (Jones Diaz and Robinson, 2000). Gender is a significantly important equity issue to be addressed with young children's' development and has consequently been incorporated into educational programmes in early childhood. Over time, research in this area has increased understanding and awareness of the ways gender operating in young children's lives, at least in the early phase of development. Years over, researchers have proposed that spatial and mathematical abilities domains point at gender differences in cognitive abilities since they were known to yield marked differences favouring the males (Ingraham, 1994). Other studies have revealed that throughout elementary school, girls clock better grades in mathematics and other subjects in comparison to the boys. Some researchers have shown that boys' advantage in mathematics is not prominent until secondary school. Current research throwing a close look at children's performance on specific intelligence and cognitive ability test items reveals that both genders are equ al in basic knowledge in mathematics with girls doing better in skills of computation. Despite controversies, boys' advantage appears in reasoning involving geometry and complex word problems. If mathematics or being good at mathematics is a measure of intelligence in early childhood, therefore, girls are no less than the boys (Katz, 1982). In comparison to past paradigms, there have been major

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Psychological Testing Essay Example for Free

Psychological Testing Essay This paper is all about the uses and varieties of personality and projective tests. It aims to determine which tool is more reliable and valid to use in measuring and predicting the behavior of an individual. Furthermore, this paper discusses the uniformity of two different texts used containing the same stance that personality tests exceed the projective terms in terms of convenience to use, reliability, and validity. Personality and Projective Tests Introduction Personality and projective tests are psychological tests used to measure and evaluate the behavior of individuals in the school, community, and even workplace setting. The tests function to determine the difference of personalities among different individuals (examinees) taking the same test. Upon taking the test, interpretation of examinees’ scores would depend on their respective test results. However, in this paper, researchers of different psychological tests suggest that personality tests are more reliable and valid compared to projective tests. Personality and Projective Tests Albert Hood Richard Johnson (2008), a member of the American Counseling Association, collaborated to come up with Assessment in Counseling (2008), a book which discusses the different types of personality and projective tests. In the text, samples of personality tests include the following: the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory/MMPI2, Jackson’s Personality Research Form (PRF), Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), California Psychological Inventory (CPI), and the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO PI-R). Further, CPI scale where 16 PF is adapted is recommended to be used for marriage and career counseling, job performance appraisals, and evaluation of management skills in the workplace. On the other hand, the different projective tests include the following: the Rorschach Ink Blot Test, Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), House-Tree-Person (HTP), Roter Incomplete Sentences Blank, and Early Recollection. However, the Rorschach Inkblot Test was found to be the most commonly used projective technique to make inference of an individual’s behavior. In addition, Anne Anastasi (Dept. of Psychology in Fodrham University) and Susana Urbina (Dept. of Psychology in University of Florida) (2002), in their book Psychological Testing, suggest that personality tests are far better to use than projective tests since the latter is more complicated to execute and is more prone to erroneous interpretation regardless of the examiner’s years of experience in handling the test. Scope of the Literature Problem and Significance of the Problem The significance of the problem is to answer the question: â€Å"Which is a better tool to predict the behavior of an individual, is it the personality or the projective tests? † Research problem(s) Explored in the Study The two articles reviewed focus on the problem whether personality tests, observation, and inventories are more reliable, predictive tool in measuring the behavior of an individual rather than the projective tests. Hypothesis in the study Hypothesis of this study suggests that using personality inventories or psychological tests are better than using projective tests to assess a person’s behavior. Research Design and Methodology Research design to be used is descriptive correlational. The approach or tool to be used is the Pearson (r) correlation to determine the relationship between the two variables. Conclusion Psychological tests are tools to measure and predict the behavior of an individual. Depending on its purpose, personality tests and projective tests aim to assess personalities in different settings such as school, workplace, and community. In school, the tests serve the college students’ need to be counseled for the career that suits their personality; at work, the tests are used to evaluate which candidate is more fit for the job; and in the community, the tests determine who are mentally healthy and who are not for providing welfare. References Anastasi, A. Urbina S. (2002). Psychological Testing. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Hood, A. B. Johnson R. (2008). Assessment in Counseling: A Guide to Psychological Assessment Procedures. Stevenson Avenue, Alexandria: American Counseling Association.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Literary Comparison Of A Clock Essay -- essays research papers

A Literary Comparison Of A Clockwork Orange and The Crucible   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The existence of evil in the world is a universal question that is often contemplated. Anthony Burgess and Arthur Miller in their novels A Clockwork Orange and The Crucible address this question of evil. One of these stories is set in the future, and the other in the past confirming the belief that the human struggle between good and evil is timeless and applies to every person in society. Throughout history numerous examples of leaders have attempted to control the nature of people within their society through systems of punishment and reward. This system had failed continuously to control the entire population because people still retain their ability to choose. It is said that once a person loses his free will, he ceases to be a person. This is the struggle confronting the protagonists in both A Clockwork Orange and The Crucible. The fifteen-year old rebel Alex and the respected farmer John Proctor refuse to conform to the rules of their oppressive societies, a nd as a result are denied the freedom to choose between good and evil, therefore becoming less than human.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both Alex and John Proctor live in highly oppressive societies from which they feel alienated, and therefore decide to rebel against. The futuristic setting of A Clockwork Orange is one of a constructive, depersonalized society where the government has far too much control over people’s lives. They are forced to live in strictly regimented communities, and their daily life is dreary. “Alex’s England is a socialized nightmare.'; (De Vitis, 106) It is because of this meaningless life that Alex chooses to rebel against his society, committing so many brutal acts of violence that he soon becomes desensitized to the horror he is creating. When questioned by his correctional officer as to why he acts this way, Alex replies “…badness is of the self, the one, the you or me. They of the government and the judges and the schools cannot allow badness because they cannot allow they self… what I do, I do because I like to do it. (Burgess, 34 ) Alex fully Bisson 2 realizes that the controlled society he lives is one that tries to eliminate all individuality. This causes him to act out in violence against authority as a means o... ... since it is the only way he will be allowed to remain true to himself. Proctor realizes that life without free will is a subhuman existence and not worth living. Both Alex and john, unable to choose between right and wrong for themselves, cease to have a normal existence, and both choose death over a life without choice. This is the only way they have of affirming their humanity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both Anthony Burgess and Arthur Miller believe that it is more important to remain true to oneself then to always choose good over evil. They show a person must maintain their free will in order to function properly as a human being. They prove this in their works A Clockwork Orange and The Crucible by showing the negative things which befall the protagonists when their right to choose is taken from them. Basically, a free will is essential to every human being, and to take it away is to dehumanize an individual. The two novels function as notable warnings to those that would sacrifice their individuality to please authorities. In addition, they remind the reader that what makes a person is their ability to choose, and so it is necessary that people be allowed that choice.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Diary of A Baby by Daniel Stern

Diary of a Baby by Daniel N. Stern focuses on 3 key points in Child Development. What your child sees, what they feels and what are the experiences during infantry. The author tries to relate from a baby’s point of view from one chapter to another. Reading this book is really an enjoyable experience where you ought to learn and tries to bring you back to the time where you are still young. The main character Joey gives us a clearer picture of what we were during this period. It clearly narrates how a young’s consciousness was penetrated by the environment and the people that they deal with everyday.Newborns can see clearly approximately 10 to 12 inches away, about the distance between a nursing infant and his mother’s face. Fortunately, infants tend to be more interested in the human face than everything else. This is where parents tends to take advantage of it and must spend time gazing into the baby’s eyes. As per the term what they see is more important because from total darkness in their mother’s womb, they were enlightened to the world and what they see gives them a clearer view and understanding of what the real world is all about.What a baby feels is like a human weatherscape where there is a unique moment of feelings in motion. Unlike photographs which are static, it has duration and changes depending on a child’s point of view. Dependability is one great word to describe what a child feels where it can last from a split second to many seconds. In the book, Joey’s feeling and perceptions change together. Each moment has its sequence and continuously adds up to the characters experiences in life. Interaction from the people around him is what drives his sights, feelings and experiences.What links the book to child development is that it gives guidance for parents in raising a child base on the scenario of everyday interaction. From coping up with the environment and dealing with the surroundings to the ex pectations in guidance and caring process to each Joey in a parent’s life. The optimal development of children is vital in our society. Therefore the social, cognitive, emotional and educational development of children is important to understand. Joey’s milestone mirrors child development in the book Diary of a Baby.Because it specifies physical and mental abilities like walking, seeing and understanding language according to a child’s age. Milestones can be described as what a child accomplishes throughout the different stages in their life. Increased knowledge of age specific areas in child development allows parents and other caring adults to keep track of appropriate child development which includes patience, problem solving, social skills and creativity in child rearing. What could possibly conflict the book and Child development is that not all that can be read may be applied.It varies depending on the knowledge and understanding of the reader and at the s ame time the stereotypical notion for them in racing their own child based on how they were raised by their parents. One strength of the book is that the reader sees a clearer view on a baby’s phase. It makes the reader feel as if they were young just like Joey once again. From the first six weeks where feelings are really great factors in child care. Why a warm hug and a sweet lullaby expresses deep love and care in every baby.World of feelings in this stage is extremely induced to the readers knowledge for them to be able to comply and have a better understanding how feelings is important during this stage. When a baby is hungry and wants to be fed up immediately it is like shots in a movie one maybe continuous with the next, or fade into it, or cut abruptly against it. Or be separated by a blank pause. It is not clear to babies how they move from one moment to the next or what. If anything happens between those experiences, the one who takes care of them are the mere respo nsible ones in the scenario.Because for Joey all his senses are focused on each one activity that he sees, feels and is experiencing at that very moment. And he lives and deals with each one intensely. Many are the prototypes of the moment that will or may recur over and over throughout his life. What could weaken the scenario is the conflicting ideas between the reader and the author’s concept for not all people may understand that all that is written in the book is the same in a parent-child scenario. One good example is unexpected pregnancy which may greatly affect the reader’s point of view on child development.It could provide both positive and negative impact once it was read. Positive in a way that a mother may become more excited into being a mother to her child or it could possibly frighten her in dealing with her baby because she is not really prepared to have one. Surprising Discoveries that was learned in the book is that I was fascinated how the author ent husiastically explained in details what a baby sees, feels and experiences during his childhood days where the only person they depend upon and look up to is their parents.This book can be utilized in the truest sense of the word parenting and child development process. It is a great instrument for mothers, expecting mothers and parents who desperately wants to know what the infant’s experience is really like Stern draws on his readers different findings and cutes on experiences of a baby in order to re-create the baby’s world and make it more fun, exciting and enjoyable

Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Love in La and Good Man Hard to Find Essay

I observe only one similarity in both stories, which they were on a road and crash cars, this is an only similarity in those two stories which I can think of it. I did not notice any of the characters of both stories in the sense of similarity. But the jack and grandmother were kind of same sense of selfness. The both character think only for them self and want all the intension towards them. Love in L.A, a story of the person whose name is jack and seems like he is very lazy and disappointed from his lifestyle, wants to get some change in his lifestyle. One day jack was driving on a free way in los Angeles, suddenly he hit a car from back side and being a nice guy that he pulled over, he don’t want to but he did for a reason to have a chat with another driver because he found out that the driver of other car is a beautiful girl name â€Å"Mariana†, which he hit it from his old Buick. â€Å"A good man is hard to find† a story of a lady whose character mention as a â€Å"grandmother†, the whole story is based on grandmother mind set and the killer â€Å"misfit†, who escape from prison with his inmates friends. The family of grandmother made a vacation trip to Florida, but turns out grandmother wants to go to Tennessee, to change the trip for family from Florida to Tennessee, she read a article and show his son, there is some criminal offender escaped from prison, and its not safe to go to Florida this time because the character Misfit was heading to same direction. The grandmother wants to go to Tennessee, that’s what she was saying and has intension in whole trip; she also called herself a â€Å"Lady†. Bailey, a resident of Atlanta, he crashed their car on a trip to Florida when he gives into the grandmothers wishes to visit an old plantation. John and June star they were self centered children. Their behavior results from a lack of parental discipline. The misfit Dangerous, escaped from prisoner who comes across bailey and his family on a dirt road after they have crashed. He is having an internal debate of the meaning of life his purpose in it. I think both the writers are very impressive in the way of portraying the message, both stories have a strong side of message to the readers and they focus on the idea of human nature and discuss about the lifestyle of some individuals, the main purpose of those stories is to inform public about the character and the nature of humanity how people can do for his own sake and how far and deep can go any individuals for their desires. They main themes of those authors are to communicate with the people who have the same mind set for others and also describe the person behavior through those stories. I believe Gilbs was trying to force us to focus on the character and the nature of jack, because he was so desperate, full of laziness, have nothing special in his life and wants some change looking for some excuse to happen that he can turn his lifestyle in 360 degrees and become someone who is not himself. Second thought which I can think of by jack character is jack found himself lucky by crashing his car with beautiful girl who belongs to rich or moderate family, can benefit jack in his life and he can get some advantages from her and become someone else while he was thinking this, the authors wants to end the story different way to avoid his desire and make him hang loose in middle of nowhere. A second opinion on the issue is that the grandmother’s final act was not an act of charity and that she is yet again trying to save herself from being murdered. Some say that Flannery O’Connor uses the excuse as the grandmother’s final â€Å"moment of grace† to save the story from the bloodshed and violence. It is also pointed out that by the time the grandmother touches the Misfit, proclaiming he is her son, he is wearing Bailey’s shirt. Other opinions include that it is contradictory of her character or that she was simply again trying to save herself and that her selfishness was never overcome throughout the story. Who remarks that through enduring a constant of violence, she would have been a good woman if there had been someone to shoot her every day? It is also irony that the setting is on a freeway, where many people are driving each and every day. The chances of running into your soul mate are pretty slim. In my opinion, Jake has no moral c ode. He is willing to do whatever it takes to get away with the situation he has caused. By reading the character of jack in this short story, I think jack was a person who wants some change in his life, but he was so lazy to do so, wants to take some short cuts in his life to make it better living, as it mention in the story that he needed an FM radio in something better than this ’58 Buick he drove. It would have crushed velvet interior with electric controls for the L. A. Summer, a nice warm heater and defroster for the winter drives at the beach, a cruise control for those longer trips, mellow speakers front and rear of course, windows that hum closed, snuffing out that nasty exterior noise of freeways. When jack was thinking about this freedom from those problems which he was facing in his life, once he glimpsed green light, he got into accident with Toyota. In other hand O’Connor explain the accomplices shoot Bailey and John in the forest, then come back to retrieve the children’s mother, the baby and June Star for the same purpose. The grandmother begins pleading for her own life. When The Misfit ignores her pleas, she implores him to pray to Jesus. The Man becomes very angry. â€Å"There’s no pleasure but meanness,† said The Misfit. â€Å"You’re one of my own children!† The Grandmother says, as she reaches out and touches The Misfit. He shoots her three times. When the accomplices finish murdering the family, The Misfit takes a moment to clean his glasses, saying she would have been a good woman if someone could have been there to shoot her every minute of her life. Reading those two stories, my views has not been changed on the word love, but yes I found some new direction towards love, how people can go so far for their desire to accomplished and make things work for them self. Its turns out that those two main characters are selfish and have want to put their self on others and use others as a stairs for their achievements. My point of view love is nothing, most people manipulates the word love with respect, care and beauty. Basically when we care for someone we called at love, but sometime this word cause a lot of trouble, in real life. Love can only be done with God, and its gives us a direction to faith on religion. References Dagoberto Gilb (2004). Love in LA, Literature to Go. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s. Flannery O’Connor (1953). A Good Man is Hard to Find, Literature to Go. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s. Kristy Walker (2004). Retrieved from (

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Harry Potter

Harry Potter And Sorcerer Stone By Rowling Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling is a children's novel about a young boy, Harry Potter, and his adventures at Hogwarts, a school for wizards and witches. The novel is filled with humorous tales of exciting escapades in and around the school. There are many characters in the novel, and they do not always get along well. They make fun of each other and judge each other by a certain set of standards. Some of these standards include wealth, intelligence, family and athletic ability. These are all superficial ways of judging people. Being a children's author, Rowling shows her readers other, more important ways of categorizing others through less apparent methods. These true values that she emphasizes are judging others by their character and heart. The false values by which children judge each other are more blatant in the novel because they are illustrated through conversation instead of actions. The main ways that they judge each other are: financi al status, family background (Muggle or wizard), house affiliation, intelligence and athletic ability. Almost every character has some good values and some bad values in the novel. By illustrating the characters with faults, Rowling makes them more realistic and believable. The first skin deep value used to measure the status of a character is money. Just as in the real world, some people have more money than others. One character that seems to be very well off in the wizard world is Draco Malfoy. He has all of the newest and nicest books and school supplies on the first day. His owl is of the nicest breed. When the students receive mail at meals, Malfoy frequently receives packages of goodies from his family and he is not humble about it. He is quite a contrast to Ron Weasley and his family. Ron comes from a poor family. Everything he brings to school with him seems to be a hand-me-down. Ron says, "you never ge... Free Essays on Harry Potter Free Essays on Harry Potter Harry Potter And the Chamber of Secrets By Matt Carlson Harry returns from Hagwarts back to the Dursley’s home for another terrible summer. He returns home on his birthday and nobody even remembers. Harry has to stay upstairs all night because Uncle Vernon is having business guests over for a dinner party. Then, out of the blue, an house elf named Dobby sneaks into Harry’s bedroom and is becoming out of control because he’s so excited to meet Harry. He tells Harry that he must not go back to Hogwarts because something bad is going to happen there. Harry gets upset for one thing because he is too loud, and for another because he has been stopping Harry’s mail. Dobby tells Harry he can have them if he promises not to go to Hogwarts. Harry just becomes madder and so Dobby takes off downstairs right in the middle of the dinner party. Dobby escapes and Uncle Vernon becomes so angry with Harry that he locks him up in his room. That night Ron, and his two brothers, came to Harry’s rescue in a flying car that th eir dad built. They returned home to an angry mother who didn’t know they took the car. The Weasley boys get yelled at while Harry is treated with the up most respect. The next day Harry and the Weasleys all went shopping for the new coming year at Hogwarts. While shopping, Harry bumps into Gilderoy Lockhart, a kind of wizard celebrity. Lockhart instantly recognizes Harry and they have pictures taken together. A couple days later they were getting ready to go back Hogwarts on the train through the train station. Harry and Ron were the last ones to go through and then all of a sudden, crash! They didn’t make it through. It was solid. So Ron and Harry decide to take the flying car to Hogwarts. They make it there and crash into a tree called a Whomping Willow. This kind of tree can move and cause damage which was exactly what happened. They car escaped barely before it was completely crushed. Harry and Ron barely made it out... Free Essays on Harry Potter 1) My first book I read over the summer was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, which was written by J.K. Rowling. The Copyright date of the book is 1998 and the book contains 309 pages. 2) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is about a boy named Harry Potter who found out he was a wizard who as a baby drained the powers of the most dangerous wizard Voldemort. Potter was sent to a wizardry school named Hogwarts, where he studied magic. There strange things happened to him and he realized that someone wanted to expose of him. At the end of the story he finds out that one of his professors Mr. Quirrel was actually sharing his body with the evil wizard Voldemort in which no one has heard from since Harry was a baby. Harry found out that Voldemort was looking for the Sorcerer’s Stone, which is a stone that allows wizards to have infinite powers. Harry ends up restraining his professor in a dungeon room, which contains the stone until the school’s master Dumbledore stops Quirrel. Voldemort ends up escaping but once again Harry defeated him. 3) The significance of the title Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is that the book is about Harry Potter and Harry learns about a stone which makes Wizards more powerful than you can imagine. Harry ends up stopping the evil wizard Voldemort in taking the stone. 4) My first impression of Harry Potter was that he was a young boy who never got anything in his life but in some way he was different. He never got anything because he lived with his aunt and uncle who knew that he was a wizard and they disowned him. They never through birthday parties for him or even gave him a bedroom, he just slept in a little cupboard. 5) Harry changed in many ways during the course of the story. First of all in the beginning of the story Harry didn’t know that he was a wizard and that he had special powers. He grew up lot during the story and became more brave and mature. 6) I cite from... Free Essays on Harry Potter Harry Potter And Sorcerer Stone By Rowling Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling is a children's novel about a young boy, Harry Potter, and his adventures at Hogwarts, a school for wizards and witches. The novel is filled with humorous tales of exciting escapades in and around the school. There are many characters in the novel, and they do not always get along well. They make fun of each other and judge each other by a certain set of standards. Some of these standards include wealth, intelligence, family and athletic ability. These are all superficial ways of judging people. Being a children's author, Rowling shows her readers other, more important ways of categorizing others through less apparent methods. These true values that she emphasizes are judging others by their character and heart. The false values by which children judge each other are more blatant in the novel because they are illustrated through conversation instead of actions. The main ways that they judge each other are: financi al status, family background (Muggle or wizard), house affiliation, intelligence and athletic ability. Almost every character has some good values and some bad values in the novel. By illustrating the characters with faults, Rowling makes them more realistic and believable. The first skin deep value used to measure the status of a character is money. Just as in the real world, some people have more money than others. One character that seems to be very well off in the wizard world is Draco Malfoy. He has all of the newest and nicest books and school supplies on the first day. His owl is of the nicest breed. When the students receive mail at meals, Malfoy frequently receives packages of goodies from his family and he is not humble about it. He is quite a contrast to Ron Weasley and his family. Ron comes from a poor family. Everything he brings to school with him seems to be a hand-me-down. Ron says, "you never ge... Free Essays on Harry Potter Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, written by J. K. Rowling, is a modern fantasy whose title alone brings the anticipation of magic. The cover illustration and the chapter headings, as well as the illustrations at the beginning of each chapter, will make the reader anticipate excitement and intrigue. The size of the print and the length of the book seem to deem the age range for this book is mid grade school to junior high, yet people of all ages enjoy it. The opening page ends with one sentence that will leave the reader waiting for more and anticipating an extraordinary story. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone tells a great story that children especially will enjoy because there is so much action and the plot is original and different. This story is not realistic yet it is believable and credible. The plot in this story goes in logical order and leaves no room for guessing because the author gives more than enough preparation for the events to come. The story as a whole has cause and effect and this makes the story easier to understand. There is an identifiable climax in this story and it occurs when Harry finds out about the Sorcerer’s Stone and the events that lead up to the climax make it extremely exciting. Over all the plot in this story is incredibly well constructed. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone takes place outside of London in modern times. The time is indicated by the use of modern inventions (such as cars, toasters, and televisions) yet time seems to be distorted to add elements to the story that make it more interesting (for example, old fashioned uniforms are worn to boarding schools). The setting makes the story more interesting to the reader and it also affects the characters by placing them into a whole different world than that we are used to. This story has universal implications and could take place just about any time and any place. The theme of Harry Potter and the Sorcere... Free Essays on Harry Potter Website Review: â€Å"The Great Harry Potter Debate† I reviewed a website entitled, â€Å"The Great Harry Potter Debate.† ( The website discussed the censorship of children’s literature. It focused on the Harry Potter series. The series tells the story of a young boy, Harry Potter, whose parents are killed by the evil sorcerer Voldemort. He narrowly escapes Voldemort's attempt to kill him also, and carries a lightning shaped scar on his forehead from the battle. In the series of books, Harry goes to a magical land and learns how to become a wizard. He attends the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the books, he encounters many adventures. (Arendt) As I said before, the website discussed the censorship of the Harry Potter series. I chose to focus on the Anti-Harry Potter portion of the site because it dealt with this touchy subject of censorship. According to the website, some conservative Christian parents have openly called for the banning of the Harry Potter books in schools. Many parents who object to the Harry Potter books base their objections on the teaching of the Christian church. â€Å"The fears and misconceptions about anything having to do with ‘magic’ or ‘wizards’ being directly linked to Satan has helped cause this parental panic (Arendt).† There have been formal attempts to ban the books made in New York, Michigan and Minnesota. Censorship is a serious subject. People have always tried to censor books in schools. They have done this due to religious or political reasons. They also want what is best for their children. The website told me that many communities have taken action against books that they feel will have negative effects on their children's development. I have a hard time understanding why they believe the Harry Potter series will have negative effects on their children’s development. I have since found that there is... Free Essays on Harry Potter Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was a film based on J.K. Rowling’s top selling novel. The novel and the film are very similar in content. The film however takes away from the reader’s own imagination of the way they want to portray each character and the events throughout the story. Even though the novel and film are very similar, there are a few differences; some are more minor than others though. The way the novel was writing it shows each event in very strong detail and characteristic. It seems like it would be a children’s book, but I believe that the story can be seen from all different views and age groups, and also that the movie was good as well. To story of Harry Potter is Harry’s parents have died in a car crash when he was still a baby, and he is being brought up by his Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia. For some reason unknown to the oblivious ten-year-old, his aunt and uncle let him live in the small chamber under the stairs, and treat him more like a nobody than like a family member. His fat cousin Dudley, his aunt and uncle’s real son, keeps bothering Harry all the time. On his eleventh birthday, Harry Potter finally receives a mysterious letter from a certain Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, telling him that he is chosen as one of the future students of that supposedly renowned school. Hagrid, who is half giant, who brought the letter, finally introduces Harry into the real circumstances of his life: His parents were a wizard and a witch; they were killed by the evil wizard Voldemort while protecting Harry from being killed. Harry still has a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead from that ev ent. Since he survived the attack as a baby, and also somehow deprived Voldemort from his powers, he has been famous in the wizard world ever since. Harry’s aunt and uncle are very strong disbelievers in that magical crap, never told Harry anything about his true self. So, Harry is very surprise... Free Essays on Harry Potter At some point in everyone’s life they have felt lost and helpless without anyone to turn to. We have all been picked on and wished that things could get better. Harry Potter always wished that things were better and one day they were. Harry Potter is a small and skinny eleven year-old boy that lives with his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon. His parents were killed when he was only one year old. I can not imagine what it would be like for my parents to be dead so I bet that it was hard for Harry to deal with. Harry’s Aunt and Uncle really do not care much about him. They are completely in love with their son Dudley. They shower Dudley with presents and give him what ever he wants whenever he wants. Harry does not even get his own clothes. He has to wear what ever Dudley does not want any more. Harry has to live in the cupboard under the stairs, while Dudley has two bedrooms. Dudley is allowed to sit around, play games and be lazy. Harry has to cook, clean and get the mail. When their birthday’s come around Harry is lucky to get a pair of socks. Dudley throws a fit if he only gets thirty-seven presents. Dudley is basically your typical spoiled little brat and Harry is a shy person that is bullied around. Dudley and his friends are terribly mean to Harry. They have nothing better to do than to pick on him. His glasses are broke from all of the times that Dudley hit him in the nose. They play games like Harry Hunting. Sometimes Harry gets so upset that he runs away and hides. Harry tries to just keep to himself so he does not get hurt by the other children. Harry is continuously abused by his Aunt and Uncle. They make him live in the cupboard and do not let him get out very often. They send him to bed and do not let him eat. He has to wait until they are asleep and sneak into the kitchen to get food. There are pictures of Dudley all over the house, but not a single one of Harry. Harry had no role model t...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Comma After i.e. and e.g.

Comma After i.e. and e.g. Comma After i.e. and e.g. Comma After i.e. and e.g. By Maeve Maddox A reader wants to know if the abbreviations i.e. and e.g. should be followed by a comma. i.e.: from the Latin phrase id est, â€Å"that is.† Used in English to restate a previous word or expression: â€Å"He really enjoys a good bildungsroman, i.e., coming-of-age novel.† e.g.: from the Latin phrase exempli gratia, â€Å"for the sake of the example.† In English, it means â€Å"for example† and is used to introduce one or more examples: â€Å"I like animals, e.g. dogs, cats, and horses.† The two terms are frequently mixed up. If you have trouble remembering which means â€Å"in other words† and which means â€Å"for example,† you can use a mnemonic to keep them apart, or you can avoid using them altogether. A simple mnemonic that helps many writers is the fact that the word example begins with the letter e. E.g., therefore, is the one that means â€Å"for example.† On the other hand, instead of e.g., you can write â€Å"for example,† and for i.e., you can write â€Å"namely† or â€Å"in other words.† Style guides do not agree on whether or not a comma should follow both these abbreviations. They do all agree that a comma precedes i.e. when the i.e. phrase occurs in a running text (i.e., not enclosed in parenthesis). The consensus seems to be in favor of the comma in American usage; against it in British usage. The Penguin Writer’s Manual (British) shows both i.e. and e.g. without a following comma. Fowler, in his venerable Modern English Usage, opines that â€Å"whether a comma follows [e.g.] or not is indifferent, or rather is decided by the punctuation-pitch of the writer of the passage. He says nothing of i.e. The Chicago Manual of Style states that i.e. and e.g. should be â€Å"confined to parentheses and notes and followed by a comma.† The AP Stylebook, whose â€Å"punctuation-pitch† leans generally to the side of â€Å"the fewer commas the better,† is pro-comma when it comes to i.e. and e.g. According to AP, both abbreviations are â€Å"always followed by a comma.† As with so many matters of punctuation, the writer’s best practice is to choose a style reference and follow its recommendations. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Synonyms for â€Å"Leader†The Difference Between "will" and "shall"Apostrophe with Plural Possessive Nouns

Sunday, November 3, 2019

OUGHTS IN ANCIENT CULTURES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

OUGHTS IN ANCIENT CULTURES - Essay Example d by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.† It also states that it is the people who empower the government and as such have certain rights and duties which they could perform free of will. But looking at the present state of affairs it makes one wonder if our founding fathers were intelligent personalities or if they were foolish and irresponsible individuals. Though the documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the U.S Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Preamble that were presented by them are universally regarded as timeless and safeguarding moral obligations, yet how far these good intentions are actually workable leaves a lot to question. In the same way the Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations states that â€Å"human rights should be protected by the rule of law† and human beings should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood†, but does these high ideals cater to or satisfy what is taking place today? Though some may be convinced, the majority are not. The first article of the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (UNESCO, 2002) proposes that it must be recognized and affirmed for the benefit of present and future generations, for it is a continuous source of exchange, innovation and creativity †¦ as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for nature. However, another document by the UNESCO (UNESCO (2003). points out that, globalization †¦ by highlighting the culture of economically powerful nations has created new forms of inequality, thereby fostering cultural conflict rather than cultural pluralism thereby portraying conflicting views. Romans – They believe that –â€Å"Death is to be chosen before slavery and basic deeds.† In other words it is better to die that stoop to lowly deeds. In the teaching of morals the Romans feel that â€Å"Nature and Reason command that nothing uncomely†¦.and â€Å"nothing lascivious be done or

Friday, November 1, 2019

Federal function Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Federal function - Essay Example In the recent past, the federal government has been faced with a looming crisis in which it plans laying off about eight hundred thousands staffs, their employment status hangs on the balance as the federal government braves to as from Saturday impose a shutdown, a move that is likely to render such a huge population staffs suspended, it will also include several agencies right from the offices to the parks rolling out their operations. A move to reverse the highly anticipated action is in its top gears as the United States president Barrack Obama has considered a crisis meeting consultation in the White house with John Boehner a speaker in the Republican House. The shutdown negative impact is due on spring where by even the tourists from the international community would experience rough rides, they will find attraction sites closed on Saturdays, sites like the Liberty statue, museums in Washington’s Smithsonian’s, former prisons of Alcatraz amongst other sites with fa scinating features will not be operational, in the mean time vital organization that deliver services like security, control of air traffic, border authorities and the all important postal services would partially operate or would totally close down. The anticipated move will not only threatens the staffs at various work places but will also affect acutely government agencies, Pentagon and the congress included. The move by the congress to classify workers into non-essentials and essentials has not augured well with most employees who value the conscious of the status. The non-essential workers would be expected not to show up for job on Mondays while the essential ones would have their schedule uninterrupted on Mondays. A further hitch is also in the rife as the staffs risk having their laptops and BlackBerries shut down. According to Jeffrey Zients White House deputy director on management and budget (Askill, 2011), the pattern of the shut down may be uneven, National parks, forests and institution of Smithsonian would remain closed as the Institute of Health Clinical Centre will consider new patients but clinical trials will remain suspended. The overseas stationed troops in countries like Iran and Afghanistan will not be give n their wages but will be paid for welfare recipient. The holidaymakers of Americans origin who been considered late for their passport applications as well as the visitors who would want to pay a visit to America and made US visas application would be compelled to eat a humble pie as their request will not succeed. The debate as to whether the non-essential workers would be paid after the shut down as in previous years also sent mixed reactions as the federal government has this year clarified their position that it won’t be as usual. What the government is doing The US president Barrack Obama had along late night meeting with Boehner and Harry Reid, the senate leader to strike a deal that would avoid the unfortunate circumstance from coming into play, Obama expressed optimism that both the parties are committed to finding a solution to what is viewed as a possible menace. He is expecting early positive responses from the Republicans in order to halt the steps facilitating t he shut down becoming a reality. On the issue, the Republicans proposes a forty billion dollars cut deficit on the federal while the Democrats resoluted on the thirty four and a half billion